Part exchange allows you to trade in your existing boat as part of the payment for a new one

How Does It Work?
Your current boat is evaluated to determine its market value. Factors like age, condition, and model play a crucial role in this valuation.
A price is established for your boat based on its condition, age, and market value. This price is then deducted from the cost of your new boat, reducing the amount you need to pay.
The trade-in value is applied to your new purchase. This can reduce the overall cost or act as a down payment if financing is involved.
We take over your old boat, and you sail away in your new one

Why Choose Part Exchange?
Convenience: Streamlines selling and buying into a single transaction.
Time-Saving: Avoids the hassle of privately selling your boat.
Financial Flexibility: Helps manage costs by using the equity in your current boat.
Part exchanging your boat makes upgrading seamless and stress-free, letting you focus on enjoying your new vessel.
